How To Recover from Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS) and Other Environmental Illnesses
In honor of the upcoming MCA awareness month in May, we have asked Debra Lynn Dadd to write a guest post about her personal battle with MCS and more importantly discuss her road map on How To Recover from Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS) (MCS) and Other Environmental Illnesses. For those who are unfamiliar with Debra’s work, it is quite remarkable. Debra Lynn Dadd brings more than thirty years of research and real-life experience to her work as a consumer advocate for health and the environment.The author of Toxic Free, Debra was the first to alert consumers to the toxic chemicals present in everyday household products and reveal both the short- and long-term health effects, as well as safe alternatives. The following post was writtin as a road map for Debra Recovery and offers great inisght on removing toxic expsure from your enviromental to lead a healthy life. Recovering from Multiple Chemical Sensitivities In 1978 I had the worst experience of my life. At the young ag...